Avant Browser是一个文件小却相当好用的浏览器软件,它有着IE与 Opera浏览器的功能与特性.如:可阻挡一些弹式的广告窗口,可设定一些功能如不显示图片、声音、影像及ActiveX 组件所产生的特效.内置有著名的 Google 收寻引擎方便你快速找寻你所要的信息.让你清除一些垃圾资料如网址列上的网址资料、Cookies、历史资料及无用的TEMP资料.
Changes in Avant Browser 11.5 build 17, Released: 7.31.2007 :
* Improved Online Storage for slow connections
* Fixed the bug that cannot set Avant as the default browser under vista
* Improved the progress bar display of skins
* Improved for dual-monitor display
下载:Avant Browser 11.5 Build 18 Beta
* Improved Online Storage for slow connections
* Fixed the bug that cannot set Avant as the default browser under vista
* Improved the progress bar display of skins
* Improved for dual-monitor display
下载:Avant Browser 11.5 Build 18 Beta