Winamp 是一个非常著名的高保真的音乐播放软件, 支持 MP3、MP2、MOD、S3M、MTM、ULT、XM、IT、669、CD-Audio、Line-In、WAV、VOC、AVI、OGG、WMV、 MPG 等多种音频和视频格式。可以定制界面 Skins, 支持增强音频视觉和音频效果的 Plug-ins, 通过一些非常实用的扩展插件来增强其功能。
Changes in Winamp 5.58:
* New: [gen_skinmanager] Skin Manager v1.0
- That transforms Winamp's Skin Browser to a true Skin Manager
- Live preview, nice filter options, renaming tools, a powerful search function and much more
- all functionallity of the Skins in Submenu plugin
* New: [gen_classicart] Album Art Viewer plugin v0.7
- adds an Album Art window to all classic skins
* Improved: [Installer] improved plugin checks, system files in Installer are now only visible, if the required plugins are installed
* Improved: [Installer] made Essentials Pack configuration file & Playlist Sidecar backup files are saved in same dir like winamp.ini
* Updated: [ml_enqplay] ML Enqueue and Play to v2.0*
- allows you to set 'Enqueue and Play' as third option under Prefs > Media Library too
* Updated: [gen_undo] Playlist Undo to v1.0.2*
* Updated: [gen_timerestore] Autoplay & Time Restore to v2.5.2*
* Updated: [alac.w5s] Apple Lossles Decoder to v1.4
- this adds 24-Bit and multichannel support
* Updated: [gen_ffod] Find File on Disk to v3.0.2*
- Now correctly handles foo.rsn\bar.spc playlist entries by opening to where foo.rsn is
* Updated: [gen_nopro] Lite-n Winamp preferences to v1.6.1*
* Updated: [in_wav] Nullsoft Waveform Wrapper to v1.2
* Updated: [enc_vorbis] Nullsoft Vorbis Encoder to v1.3a
- updated to libOgg v1.2.0
* Misc: [Installer] made installer detects and deletes old Skins in Submenu plugin because of compatibility issues
* Misc: [gen_skinsubmenu] removed obsolete Skins in Submenu plugin
* Misc: [Installer] general script and language file cleanup
* Misc: [Installer] updated Installer to NSIS 2.46 (Unicode)
* Misc: All Essentials Pack plugins are localizable now, we finally reached our goal, big thanks to Darren <3
下载:Winamp 5.58 Full (Multi-national installer)
下载:Winamp 5.58 Full (US English installer)
下载:Winamp 5.58 Pro (Multi-national installer, asks for key during install)
下载:Winamp 5.58 Pro (US English Pro installer, asks for key during install)
下载:Winamp 5.58 Lite (basic 2.x-style mp3/cd player)
* New: [gen_skinmanager] Skin Manager v1.0
- That transforms Winamp's Skin Browser to a true Skin Manager
- Live preview, nice filter options, renaming tools, a powerful search function and much more
- all functionallity of the Skins in Submenu plugin
* New: [gen_classicart] Album Art Viewer plugin v0.7
- adds an Album Art window to all classic skins
* Improved: [Installer] improved plugin checks, system files in Installer are now only visible, if the required plugins are installed
* Improved: [Installer] made Essentials Pack configuration file & Playlist Sidecar backup files are saved in same dir like winamp.ini
* Updated: [ml_enqplay] ML Enqueue and Play to v2.0*
- allows you to set 'Enqueue and Play' as third option under Prefs > Media Library too
* Updated: [gen_undo] Playlist Undo to v1.0.2*
* Updated: [gen_timerestore] Autoplay & Time Restore to v2.5.2*
* Updated: [alac.w5s] Apple Lossles Decoder to v1.4
- this adds 24-Bit and multichannel support
* Updated: [gen_ffod] Find File on Disk to v3.0.2*
- Now correctly handles foo.rsn\bar.spc playlist entries by opening to where foo.rsn is
* Updated: [gen_nopro] Lite-n Winamp preferences to v1.6.1*
* Updated: [in_wav] Nullsoft Waveform Wrapper to v1.2
* Updated: [enc_vorbis] Nullsoft Vorbis Encoder to v1.3a
- updated to libOgg v1.2.0
* Misc: [Installer] made installer detects and deletes old Skins in Submenu plugin because of compatibility issues
* Misc: [gen_skinsubmenu] removed obsolete Skins in Submenu plugin
* Misc: [Installer] general script and language file cleanup
* Misc: [Installer] updated Installer to NSIS 2.46 (Unicode)
* Misc: All Essentials Pack plugins are localizable now, we finally reached our goal, big thanks to Darren <3
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